Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ability Healthy Lifestyles Reduce Hypertension Risk

Ability Healthy Lifestyles Reduce Hypertension Risk
High blood pressure should not be underestimated. People with hypertension risk two times greater cardiovascular disease, such as stroke and heart attack, than what does not. The good news is, hypertension can be managed with a healthy lifestyle.

Dr Santoso Karo-Karo, hypertension expert from the Harapan Kita Heart Hospital, Friday (11 / 9) in Jakarta, said the classified blood pressure is normal in 130-139 (or systolic blood pressure when the heart pumps blood into the veins) / 85-89 (diastolic or heart relaxes). If blood pressure is always close to the threshold over the years, beware of hypertension.

"After 35 years of age, blood pressure rises. Blood vessels thicken and more rigid, "he said.

Healthy lifestyle, such as diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and low in fat, can lower systolic and diastolic 11.4 points 5.5 points. Body weight is maintained in the range of body mass index 18,5-24,9 (weight (kilograms) divided by height (meters) and dikuadratkan). Consumption of salt is no more than 2.4 grams per day (sodium) or 6 grams per day (NaCl) and aerobic physical activity such as walking 30 minutes every day.

For patients withion hypertens, treatment is useful to reduce morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular and kidney disease. Therapy with drugs such as hypertension, type angiotensin receptor inhibitors (angiotensin receptor blocker / ARB) such as valsartan, according to Kyoto Heart Center research can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Avoid Stroke, Reduce Fat margarine

Avoid Stroke, Reduce Fat
Dare you include high-fat foods and sugar? Apparently you have to fix your eating style. Not only cause weight loss easy ride, but also the risk of stroke is very high, especially in women.

You probably already know a high-fat foods can cause constriction of blood vessels at risk of heart disease. A recent study conducted on 87,230 respondents mentioned the risk of stroke by 44 percent higher in those who eat fatty foods hobbies.

"The risk of major health could have prevented this. It should be understood, that is bad for the heart is also bad for the brain," said Dr.Emil Matarese, a stroke expert from St.Mary Medical Center, United States.

Before entering menopause, in fact risk of stroke for women lower than men. But at the age of menopause, the risk becomes equal. Therefore, women over the age of 50 years are advised to reduce intake of foods high in fat.

Research shows, the risk of stroke in women who ate foods hobbies saturated fat, like margarine, fried foods, cakes and sweets, 30 percent higher. Which is also worth noting is wary of hidden fats in food.

"Get used to read the packaging and note the table of food servings diasup. Simple things like this, especially if you avoid fried foods, highly profitable health-menopausal women," said Materese.

Four breast So,Maria,

Four breast So,Maria,
Mean heart wanted to beautify the breasts with plastic surgery, but the disaster which was picked. That is the fate of a woman from New York, USA.

Maria Alamo, so he addressed, requires a plastic surgeon worth approximately Rp 42 billion. He was inflamed because of plastic surgery who lived about seven years ago to make her breasts are now a mess. Can even say, he now has a total of four pieces of breast.

The mother of two children at first wanted two nice-sized breasts 36C to welcome birthday-40. However, precisely because of the disaster that happened after breast surgery have deformities or disabilities that make now experiencing pain physically and mentally.

Mary, who is now aged 47, had to bear the shame because of the lumps, bumps and irregular scars on her breasts. He never again dare to bare in front of her husband, Dominic. In fact, marriage is going very smoothly before surgery, are now stranded because Dominic divorced.

"As a result of the operation, she could say so have four breasts," said his lawyer, Michael Kuharski, when giving out information before the high court judge of New York on Staten Island.

Mary had to spend approximately USD 64 million for operating costs. He dropped the option to Dr Keith Berman, a plastic surgeon who obtained from the references on the internet. Maria claimed, breast surgery in March 2003 was not to beautify the body, but quite the contrary. Postoperative photos showed a large scar on her breast where the wound was flat on the bottom and very bloated at the top.

Four months postoperatively, Dr. Berman provides advanced repair operations, but the scar on her breast more subtle. He refused surgery and chose these three to switch to another plastic surgeon who also failed to save the original shape of her breasts.

In court, she filed charges to Dr. Berman, a member of staff at Staten Island Hospital, as well as two Internet companies that provide references. In its claim, she stated that surgery had made him sick, disability, loss of confidence, and got the humiliation and embarrassment.

To the court, Dr. Berman explained that he had been convey the risks of surgery to Mary, including the possibility of scars and broken implants or shifted.

Meanwhile, lawyer Berman, Jerry Giardina, told the court, "She (Maria) only care about the glamorous part of it. The television and movie stars had plastic surgery all the time. Plastic surgery is not important, but in fact, plastic surgery is a surgery. There are no guarantees. What is good for someone, not necessarily for others. "

In the court also revealed that she was late 20 minutes of scheduled operations. He had ushered into the pre-operating room by the wife of Dr. Berman who served as the clinic manager. Mary had given the thickness of the agreement documents for signature 12 pages. This document, which is standard procedure for all the plastic surgery practice in New York, will help the doctors from prosecution if there is damage caused by surgery.

The food in the freezer so that no Toxic

The food in the freezer so that no Toxic
In order for food last longer, we keep multiple food in the refrigerator freezer alias. Everyone was there, ranging from beverages, vegetables, fruit, raw meat, until the dishes that have not been consumed.

But, you know, the contents of the refrigerator this diverse substances can cause all mixed up contaminated food and cause poisoning.

To avoid this, you'll want to set the location of food. Do not let raw meat or juices drip into other foods. Tightly wrap the food in the fridge can also avoid the occurrence of food contamination process.

Storing food in the fridge really was able to inhibit the growth of bacteria and germs. However, the germ can be attached when food was not in the refrigerator, but when outside.

Therefore, if you want to eat food from the fridge, get used to heat first. Also, do not consume foods or beverages that have been out of the refrigerator more than two hours without re-heating process.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Make ejaculation Aged Men Short?

Make ejaculation Aged Men Short?
During his life, an average man doing as much as 5,000 times ejaculate. "If every ejaculation issued 200 million sperm, predicted during his life he produced a trillion sperm," says Dr. Ferryal Loetan, ASC & T, SpRM, MKes.

Semen or semen released during ejaculation it contains vitamins, minerals, protein, and calories needed to stay agile sperm to swim through the vagina to fertilize an egg. "Cell prostate in males also produces alkaline substances that work to keep the sperm can stay alive through the vagina acidic in nature," said Dr Loetan, who is also a consultant sex.

Business because of this ejaculation, male life expectancy was six years shorter than women. "After ejaculation, the man always tired. Because the semen of about 5 ml per ejaculate that contains zinc, selenium, protein, vitamins A, C, E, and sugar.

Wasting of nutrients through ejaculation cause fatigue, weakness, prolonged hunger. Reportedly, the energy is wasted during sex is for 36 calories or the equivalent of running along the 1.5 km, "said Dr Loetan.

Soft-boiled eggs and STMJ (milk eggs honey ginger) seems to be the right choice for refilling nutrients are removed earlier. "Eggs do contain lots of protein and containing nutrients such as discarded during ejaculation.
If you want to get all the nutrients in the egg, do you eat should be raw. Heating can reduce nutritional value, "said Kusuma Dewi Diah, SSi, Apt, pharmacologist from PT Navita Inti Prima.

However, the habit mengasup soft-boiled eggs, let alone excessive, can cause unpleasant side effects. High cholesterol levels in eggs can cause excessive hiperkolesterol or cholesterol.

Gynecology avidin in the egg can also cause baldness. The habit of eating raw eggs can also cause skin diseases due to typhoid fever is a nest of raw eggs Salmonella bacteria.

The more frequent ejaculation, said Dr Loetan, semen will be more dilute. "The amount of semen is ideal for a tablespoon. The quantity and quality is very determined by the quality of the food diasup. Sure should mengasup balanced nutrition, healthy lifestyle without smoking and alcohol, especially drugs. Then getting enough sleep, exercise diligent, and avoid pollution, "he explained.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Breast Cancer Prevention

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), recently issued a report updates the previous report that was launched in 2007. This report describes the relationship between lifestyle and risk of breast cancer. It is said that the body weight, regular physical activity, and reduction of alcohol intake is the foundation of your lifestyle to avoid breast cancer surveillance. There are many types of breast cancer, and there are many factors that can trigger breast cancer. However, a certain lifestyle can affect the results. Here's what you can do to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Healthy weight
The report that was launched in 2007 and shows that excess weight in a convincing increase breast cancer risk when entering menopause. As weight increases a woman's body, also increases the risks. Accumulate fat in the waist is suspected to have links to the risk of breast cancer.

Research in 2009 of breast cancer found in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) also said that as a weight-control measures, especially in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Excess body fat appears to increase the level of estrogen during menopause phase (which explains why breast cancer associated with estrogen-sensitive type). Increased body fat also leads to increased insulin and similar compounds growers factors insulin, which increases the risk of breast cancer, estrogen-negative type.

Physical activity
AICR report also states the relationship between regular physical activity with reduced risk of breast cancer during the menopause, and possibly before the menopause. In his analysis, the researchers found that the activity (exercise) physical for 2 hours per day can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Other reports also said that women who perform regular physical activity with high-intensity lower the risk of breast cancer in those who are not under active physically as much as 14-20 percent.

Physical activity is potentially protect themselves from breast cancer by strengthening the immune system, and reduce the levels of reproductive hormones and hormones related to insulin, and through their impact on body weight control. Not denied, that the activity has a major impact, though how many and what types of activities that can provide optimal protection is also included in the count. Mild activity for at least 30 minutes per day is a public health recommendations.

Limiting alcohol intake
Not only the above two things, restrictions on alcohol intake is one step that can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer, the type of pre-and post-menopausal. The combined research has consistently shown a 5-10 percent increase in risk of breast cancer with alcohol intake of the daily standard. For example, 340 ml or 142 ml of wine only considered dangerous enough. Another report from JNCI also said, that among women who entered menopause phase, those who have a habit of drinking alcohol showed a greater risk of breast cancer than those who did not drink it.

One thing is for sure can reduce the risk of breast cancer pre-and post-menopausal is to provide milk for children.

Outside the four things mentioned above, JNCI report says that women can reduce the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer by controlling the daily intake, especially reducing fatty foods. Highly recommended to eat a lot of natural foods, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and seeds

Genes Inhibiting Breast Cancer Drugs

Some British scientists succeeded in uncovering why some breast cancer patients who fail therapy. It turned out that the cause is too much gene called FGFR1 who do not respond to drug therapy Tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen is a drug used to prevent breast cancer recurrence. Unfortunately, one third of patients did not give a positive response to the results of this therapy. In the journal Cancer Research, the scientists managed to write them off FGFR1 gene that tamoxifen could work.

Experts say, when FGFR1 was stopped, hormone-based therapies such as tamoxifen drug could return to work to destroy cancer cells. It is believed to help save the lives of thousands of patients each year.

Dr Nick Turner, head researcher said one of the 10 breast cancer patients have a number of genes that are too high FGFR1. "There are several types of drugs developed to stop the work FGFR1 and clinical studies conducted to determine whether this drug could fight cancer with so many copies of the gene," he said.

Tamoxifen works by inhibiting female sex hormone, estrogen, which fueled the growth of tumors