Saturday, February 6, 2010

History vitamins C

History vitamins C year 1536. Jacques Cartier of Quebec City, Canada. Finding a way to heal canker sores with tea made from leaves and later revealed that the leaves are rich in vitamin C. In 1795. British admiral, decided that a fresh oranges per day should be given to the sailors who sailed from the Navy English.Year 1865. British Chamber of Commerce, impose mandatory to consume fresh oranges for sailors from the ship .year 1911. Theory of vitamins, published by the Polish biochemist about 4 compounds in natural foods are beneficial to prevent beri beri, ricket, pellagra, andskorbut.year 1918. EVMc collum, an American citizen began naming system assimilation of vitamins, namely "A component of fat-soluble". Year 1928. Vitamin C was first purified by the Hungarian biochemist Albert szent-gyorgyi who worked in canbridge, England. He formulated a component called heksurat acid, which eventually became ascorbic acid (Vitamin C first generation). Then, expand again into a second generation of Vitamin C are helpful to cure skorbut, such as thirst, depression, muscle pain, appeared tired, bleeding gums and shortness breath.Dari year to year, the analysis of Vitamin C continues to grow, until at last found Ester-C, Vitamin C to the third

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